16 October 2012
Mirror, Mirror in my car… whose the one that does it all?
Me…I am… because I am a M.O.M.
It just came to me… As I sit here in my car, pulled over on the side of the road…writing frantically as I know that if I don’t get these thoughts down on paper they will quickly be gone… Just like that… as quick as they came…
On to the next because that it is My Life at this Moment… As a M.O.M.
I think of J.D. Salinger’s words, “ Mothers are all slightly insane.”
He was right…I FEEL INSANE… but in a good way… not the dictionary definition of insane but my M.O.M. version, which is more, like a whirlwind.
I just finished a very important conference call with 12 men & women in 4 different states, closing a deal while laying flat on my back with my legs spread. Sounds good Huh? Just getting a bikini wax. A MOM ‘s gotta do what a MOM’s gotta do. They had wanted to do a teleconference… If they only knew.
The whole time, I laughed to myself, as I pressed mute in order to muffle my yelps and the absurdity of this particular multitasking experience.
I check my list… Conf Call check. I ignore the 50 or so other items.
I now have 15 minutes before I head over the hill to pick up my girls.
On the conference call when asked about my company, I explained we had 2 employees: Me, an amazing young girl who helps with everything and 3 C.I.O.’s.
Sandy in San Francisco asked, “CIO?”
My Chief Inspiration Officers… my 3 daughters.
I look at the clock on the dashboard… 5 more minutes before its time to pick them up.
My girls inspire me on so many levels… how they see the world… how they live in the world and how they navigate it.
I learn everyday from them and they inspires me to do my best and all I can do.
If I followed my LIST for the day… I would be using my time to return emails and calls from my office-aka car.
But I am writing instead… being in the moment as my CIO’s teach so well.
I must take advantage of my creative flows as the ebbs are getting in my way.
Life happens and things come up that throw us of our course, but that’s what us MOM’s are so good at; navigating the obstacles and getting it all done.
I think back to the am when I asked my husband…to get socks for one of our daughters…
“What drawer” he asked…
She’s 5…you don’t know what drawer her socks are in”
I have to laugh as much as my initial reaction is to want to kill… How does he not know what drawer…REALLY?
YES…REALLY…I have done a little research and the fact is Women have the capacity to retain it all and do it all… MEN DON’T
They have their own way.
I look down at my phone as it keeps binging and see texts from my Husband re: my list of “Honey do’s” while I am away.
I made it very simple…
His reply… “You want me to do all this tomorrow?”
Me “YES”
Him, “Impossible”
I put the phone down. I know from experience it can all be done.
I take a few big breaths and remind myself if I am not having fun… to Slow Down.
I laugh again at the visual of men in suits telling me the deal points as I lay on my back… How apropos… I hear the words of W.R. Wallace in my head,
“The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”