9 Oct 2012
San Jose Airport
September is all but a blur… I actually have to look at my plane ticket to remind myself of the day and time…
I find myself floating somewhere between a state of complete awareness and a complete state of coma. On the one hand I am certain that what I am doing matters and is making a difference and worth the days and nights spent away from my family.
On the other hand, the Jewish guilt gets the best of me and I feel anxiety take over and creep through my veins. I am consumed with a massive influx of emotions as I am missing back to school nights and putting my girls to bed.
I miss my family… I want to go home… SNAP out of it… You will be home in 24 hours…
I remember a story…
A year or so ago…one of my daughters was having a difficult time because she missed her Daddy (he had been traveling for work a lot). My 7 year old (at the time) told her little sister about “beautiful, sparkly, rainbow ribbons that connect us to Daddy.”
We wrote the story down and gave it to Daddy to illustrate (we are still waiting for the illustrations) but here is the story.
I just pulled it up…thank god for computers…and wifi at airports…
It is just what the Dr. ordered “for Mommy” at this moment…

Night fell upon the Muller house.
The Moon was full and bright.
Klara, Edie and Charlotte were all snuggled up in their beds
Talking about their amazing days filled with laughter and playing and learning and fun.
Mommy asked them each to share one special thing that happened that day…before lights out.
Charlotte shared about riding bikes at school.
Klara was very excited about slippery
Slime she made in science class.
Edie said she had a tough day…
That she was really missing her daddy and she began to cry.
Klara said she missed Daddy…
Charlotte said the same…
And Mommy too…
Klara told Edie that when she missed Daddy she always remembered
Rainbow Ribbons …
What are Rainbow Ribbons Edie asked?
Klara explained they are what connect us to Daddy.
Mommy got out a map and showed them where Daddy was and where they were.
She then said to close your eyes and imagine beautiful, sparkly, rainbow ribbons that are attached to daddy’s heart and then all the way to our hearts.
The girls closed their eyes and saw it.
Their Mommy explained that what ever Daddy is doing, you too are doing because you are always connected to him and he is always connected to us.
She told them that Rainbow Ribbons connected all their family and friends.
Charlotte asked even Nana & Papa?
Edie said, even Kodi and Flash?
Yes said Mommy…We are all connected.
This was amazing thought Edie as she closed her eyes and imagined climbing up a snowy mountain with Daddy.
Charlotte’s eyes were shut tight as she saw visions of bowls of pasta and ice cream she was eating with Daddy.
Klara had a huge smile on her face as she drifted to sleep dreaming of swimming with sharks with Daddy.
The next day at school…
Klara was jumping rope when all of a sudden she thought of her Daddy…she closed her eyes and gave her invisible rainbow ribbon a tug and felt her Daddy tug right back. She smiled and jumped!
Charlotte raced through the playground on a bike imagining Daddy was right there with her saying, “pedal faster…” Her rainbow ribbons flying high.
As she raced by she saw Edie looking sad…
Edie didn’t want to go to music class…she told her teacher, “she missed her Daddy too much.”
But then all of a sudden in a flash…
Edie’s frown turned upside down…
She closed her eyes and remembered the rainbow ribbons…
She knew that where Daddy was it was nighttime and she imagined him all cozy in his bed…sleeping…covered in rainbow ribbons…She snuggled up next to him and gave him a kiss.
When she opened her eyes she didn’t feel sad anymore…she felt happy!
Edie then ran to music class because she knew her Daddy was with her.
She knew that he would love nothing more then a lullaby and to hear her singing in his dreams.

I hear them calling my flight…
I tug at my Rainbow Ribbon and feel my family right here with me…
Ahhh.. what a difference a story makes…